Explain Ending Of Nocturnal Animals

The 2016 psychological thriller Nocturnal Animals, directed by Tom Ford and based on Austin Wright’s novel Tony and Susan, has left audiences puzzled with its complex narrative and ambiguous ending. This blog post aims to dissect the film’s conclusion, providing insights and interpretations that can help viewers make sense of its enigmatic conclusion. Whether you’re a casual moviegoer or a film enthusiast, this guide will shed light on the layers of meaning embedded in the film’s final scenes.

Setting the Stage What Nocturnal Animals is About

Nocturnal Animals intertwines two narratives—the main story of Susan Morrow (Amy Adams), an art gallery owner, and the subplot within the manuscript written by her ex-husband Edward Sheffield (Jake Gyllenhaal). The movie explores themes of love, revenge, and redemption, creating a gripping experience that keeps the audience on the edge of their seats.

Susan receives a draft of Edward’s novel, also titled Nocturnal Animals, which tells a dark and violent tale about a man named Tony Hastings (also played by Gyllenhaal) who seeks justice after his family is brutally attacked. The manuscript’s story mirrors the pain and betrayal Edward experienced in his relationship with Susan, adding depth to the already intricate plot.

The Dual Narrative Structure

One of the most intriguing aspects of Nocturnal Animals is its dual narrative structure. The film masterfully switches between Susan’s present life and the fictional world of Edward’s novel. This technique not only adds layers to the storytelling but also blurs the lines between reality and fiction, making it challenging for viewers to differentiate between the two narratives. Explore about Animated Cartoons.

This deliberate ambiguity serves to highlight the emotional turmoil experienced by both Susan and Edward. The manuscript becomes a vessel through which Edward communicates his feelings of betrayal and loss, forcing Susan to confront her past decisions and their repercussions.

Analyzing the Final Scene

The film’s ending is open to interpretation, leaving many viewers debating its true meaning. In the final scene, Susan arranges to meet Edward for dinner at an upscale restaurant. She arrives, dressed elegantly and clearly eager to see him. However, as the night progresses, it becomes evident that Edward is not going to show up. Susan, left alone and humiliated, finally realizes the extent of the pain she caused him.

This scene can be interpreted as Edward’s ultimate act of revenge. By not showing up, he forces Susan to experience the same sense of abandonment and rejection that he felt when she left him for another man. The empty chair opposite Susan symbolizes the void left in Edward’s life, a void that she now has to confront.

The Significance of the Manuscript

Edward’s novel serves as a metaphor for his relationship with Susan. The violent and tragic events in the manuscript reflect the emotional devastation he experienced after their breakup. By writing the novel, Edward channels his pain into a creative outlet, transforming his suffering into a powerful narrative that forces Susan to reckon with her actions.

The title Nocturnal Animals itself is symbolic, representing the dark and predatory nature of human emotions. The characters in the manuscript, much like nocturnal creatures, operate in the shadows, driven by primal instincts and desires. This parallel underscores the raw and unfiltered emotions that underpin the film’s central themes.

Themes of Revenge and Redemption

Revenge is a central theme in both the main storyline and the manuscript. Edward’s decision to send the novel to Susan can be seen as an act of poetic justice—a way to make her feel the pain she inflicted upon him. The manuscript’s violent events mirror the emotional violence of their breakup, creating a parallel that is both haunting and poignant.

Redemption, or the lack thereof, is another key theme. While Edward finds solace in writing his novel, Susan’s attempt to seek reconciliation by meeting him for dinner ends in failure. This suggests that some wounds are too deep to heal, and some actions too severe to be forgiven.

The Role of Art and Creativity

Art plays a significant role in Nocturnal Animals, serving as both a form of expression and a means of communication. Susan’s career as an art gallery owner and Edward’s identity as a writer highlight the importance of creativity in their lives. The film suggests that art can be a powerful tool for processing emotions and dealing with trauma.

Edward’s novel is a testament to the cathartic power of storytelling. Through his writing, he confronts his past, processes his pain, and ultimately finds a sense of closure. For Susan, the novel becomes a mirror reflecting her own shortcomings and regrets, forcing her to face the consequences of her actions.

The Power Dynamics in Relationships

The film also explores the power dynamics inherent in relationships. Susan’s decision to leave Edward for a more successful man is driven by her desire for stability and social status. This act of betrayal shifts the balance of power, leaving Edward feeling emasculated and powerless.

The manuscript, however, allows Edward to reclaim some of that lost power. By crafting a narrative that forces Susan to confront her guilt, he reasserts his agency and takes control of the situation. This shift in power dynamics is a central element of the film’s psychological tension.

The Ambiguity of the Ending

The ambiguous nature of the film’s ending has sparked much debate among viewers. Some interpret Edward’s no-show as a sign of his emotional growth—he has moved on and no longer needs validation from Susan. Others see it as a calculated act of revenge, a way to make her feel the pain of rejection once again.

This ambiguity is intentional, allowing viewers to project their own interpretations onto the final scene. It challenges the audience to think critically about the characters’ motivations and the broader implications of their actions.

The Impact of Cinematic Techniques

Tom Ford’s direction and the film’s cinematography play a crucial role in creating its tense and unsettling atmosphere. The use of lighting, color, and camera angles enhances the emotional impact of key scenes, drawing viewers into the characters’ psychological states.

For example, the contrast between the cold, sterile environment of Susan’s life and the gritty, desolate landscape of the manuscript highlights the emotional divide between the two narratives. This visual dichotomy underscores the film’s central themes of love, loss, and revenge.

The Role of Supporting Characters

The supporting characters in Nocturnal Animals add depth to the narrative and provide additional layers of meaning. Characters like Ray Marcus (Aaron Taylor-Johnson) and Bobby Andes (Michael Shannon) serve as foils to Tony, highlighting different aspects of his personality and emotional state.

Ray, as the antagonist in the manuscript, represents the violent and chaotic forces that disrupt Tony’s life. Bobby, on the other hand, serves as a symbol of justice and retribution, helping Tony in his quest for vengeance. These characters enhance the film’s exploration of moral ambiguity and the complexities of human nature.

Viewer Reactions and Interpretations

Since its release, Nocturnal Animals has elicited a wide range of reactions from viewers. Some praise the film for its intricate storytelling and emotional depth, while others criticize it for its ambiguity and dark themes. This diversity of opinions speaks to the film’s ability to provoke thought and spark meaningful discussions.

Many viewers find themselves revisiting the film multiple times, discovering new details and nuances with each viewing. This speaks to the richness of the narrative and the skill with which it is crafted.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is the ending of Nocturnal Animals ambiguous?

The ambiguous ending of Nocturnal Animals serves to provoke thought and allow viewers to project their own interpretations onto the final scene. This intentional ambiguity challenges the audience to think critically about the characters’ motivations and the broader implications of their actions.

What has been the overall audience reaction to Nocturnal Animals?

Reactions to Nocturnal Animals have been varied, with some praising its intricate storytelling and emotional depth, while others critique its ambiguity and dark themes. The film’s ability to provoke thought and spark meaningful discussions is a testament to its narrative richness and skilled craftsmanship.

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